Dear participants,
We encourage all participants to book their accommodation well in advance. Unfortunately La Plata is a city that has not a big amount of hotels and the number of places is few. For that reason, in order to have no problems of accommodation, we have made provisional hotel reservations for all of you. These reservations include 4 nights (October 31st and November 1st, 2nd and 3rd, leaving the hotel at noon on 4th).
The list of the hotels and the daily rates of single rooms in United States Dollar (USD) are:
Hotel del Sol ------------- USD 56 (Availability: 7 single rooms)
Hotel Benevento -------- USD 57 (Availability: 7 single rooms)
Hotel La Plata ------------ USD 60 (Availability: 7 single rooms)
Hotel San Marco --------- USD 53 (Availability: 7 single rooms)
(To know the currency exchange, you may use the Yahoo Currency Converter)
Participants should contact the hotels directly, through their web sites, e-mail addresses or phone numbers, and must mention either Guillermo Casas or 1st International Workshop on Semiconductor Devices Modeling and Electronic Materials.
Organizing Committee