Registration (NEW!)
Due to the limited capacity of the Conferences Room, please send an email to the Organizing Committee by October 29th to
The SDMEM 2010 registration fees, in United States Dollar (USD), are:
Participants (Author, Assistant) ----------- USD 80
Students with grants ------------------------ USD 40
Invited Talks --------------------------------- USD 0
(To know the currency exchange, you may use the Yahoo Currency Converter)
Organizing Committee is seeking funding to assist the participants.
The payment of the registration fee will be done on the workshop desk on November 1st.
Registration to the SDMEM 2010 is limited, and it is not required to have an accepted paper.
The registration fee includes access to all technical sessions (Invited Talks and Poster Session), three lunches from Monday to Wednesday and coffee breaks. This registration doesn't include any travel or hotel expenses.Registration is done by sending an e-mail to with the following personal data:
Full name
Condition (Dr., Student, Advanced)
Participation (Author, Assistant)
Abstract submission
An abstract consisting of one page of text and one page of figures should be sent to
Template file for the preparation of abstracts is available on this web site.
Authors should create a pdf file of the abstract and rename it "First_Author.pdf" before sending it.
Important dates (NEW!)
* Abstract submission deadline: October 8th, 2010
* Notification of acceptance: October 15th, 2010