3rd Announcement

This new announcement is to remind you that the starting date of the workshop is getting close. As we mentioned before, the workshop will take place in La Plata, Argentina, the place will be in the Electrotechnical Department, Faculty of Engineering UNLP, from 2 to 4 of November. The program of the meeting is completed.

  Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4
9:00-9:30 REGISTRATION Poster-1 Poster-2
9:30-10:00 OPENING Álvaro Mombrú Susana Ramos
10:00-10:30 C O F F E   B R E A K
10:30-11:20 Pablo Ordejon Andrei Postnikov Sergio Koval
11:20-12:10 Eduardo A. Menendez Lara Kühl Teles Verónica Vildosola
12:10-14:00 A L M U E R Z O - L U N C H
14:00-14:50 Verónica Ganduglia Pirovano Diego Venegas Yazigi Gonzalo Gutierrez
14:50-15:40 Ricardo Faccio James Chelikowsky Walter Orellana
15:40-16:10 C O F F E   B R E A K
16:10-17:00 Niels Christensen Lucy V. Assali Stefaan Cottenier
17:00-17-20 Mariana Weissmann  Helena Petrilli CLOSING REMARKS


To see the titles of talks, please, see our website:


It is important to remind people interested in participating should register in the meeting via the website:


We encourage participants in general to present posters with their work, and send us the abstract of the poster (in MS-word format will be fine).

Please remember that the amount of places available in the hotels of the city is limited and scarce, it is suggested to make reservations in advance.

Finally, we wish to highlight important points related to the meeting:

The purpose of the meeting, is to do an exhaustive description of first principles methods, the advantages of the study of materials using them, emphasizing the importance of the ab-initio methods to predict structural, electric, magnetic, electronic properties, etc., in general, physical properties of solids. Furthermore, the purpose of this activity is to discuss some of these widely used computational methods to obtain electronic structures. It is also sought to locate the state of the art of the modern techniques on first principles calculation, focuses on the study of materials.The seminar will be carried out with the contribution of foreign and local lecturers. Oral expositions of advanced students and recent PhD's are also being encouraged to participate. The purpose is to establish relationships and cooperations to make possible the generation of new projects and the training human resources.


Methods of electronic structure calculations.
Electron density of states and band structure of crystalline solids.
Electron states at surfaces and interfaces.

Dr. Eitel L. Peltzer y Blancá. (UNLP, La Plata, Arg.)
Dr. Leonardo Errico (UNLP, La Plata, Arg.)
Dr. Javier Martinez (UNLP, La Plata, Arg.)
Dra.Helena Petrilli (U. de San Pablo, Brasil)
Dr. Ricardo Faccio (U. de La República, Urug.)
Dr. Eduardo A. Menendez Proupin (U.de Chile)
Dr. Gonzalo Gutierrez (U. de Chile)