Argentine-Germany: A Century of Scientific Cooperation in Physics.

This year we commemorate 40th anniversary of the founding of the Laboratory of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Hyperfine Interactions (LENIH), which operated in the Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Although, at present, the LENIH has disappeared, has given rise to several research groups that make the increased activity of the Institute of Experimental Physics, La Plata (CONICET-UNLP-IFLP), From the beginning, LENIH activities were developed with good interaction with Germany and were supported financially by several German institutions. Strong cooperation links with some German universities were established, which also gave birth to important collaborations with other countries. For these reasons, in every scientific meeting held to commemorate the work of LENIH, no longer recognize the contribution of Germany. To this end, we included meetings called "Humboldt Kollegs" designed both to present and discuss form and content of scientific cooperation with Germany, together with scientific papers presentation. These meetings were sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany. The topics of the "Humboldt Kollegs" were varied but essentially restricted to problems of Solid State Physics.
On the occasion of another anniversary of LENIH founding, is aimed at the realization of a scientific meeting of topics much more varied and an event of far greater scope. This is because Argentina celebrates this year, like other Latin American countries, the bicentennial of the beginning of his quest for Independence. Moreover, we commemorate, in our university, 100 years of scientific cooperation with Germany Sciences. Indeed, Joaquín V. Gonzalez, the first President of the University of La Plata, hired renowned German scientists (E. Bose, J. Laub, R. Gans, among others) who served at the Institute of Physics, La Plata, initiating scientific research Physics in Latin America.
As a tribute to the German cooperation, we want to emphasize the following events:
        In 2009, commemorated the 150th anniversary of the death of Alexander von Humboldt. This year marks the first establishment of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Germany last year marked the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall and this year the country's reunification.
        It also marks the bicentenary of the Humboldt University in Berlin. This university was founded by Wilhelm von Humboldt, the brother of Alexander von Humboldt researcher. Wilhelm von Humboldt had the vision of a university in which teaching and research in one unit and to provide all students a broad humanistic education. This conception of college entirely new era in 1810, but was imposed: in the decades after other universities around the world were created along the same lines. The University of La Plata, with the importance given to scientific research, both humanistic, social and accurate, is a clear example of this model.
            Without going far away from Humboldt University in Berlin, are also examples of German recognition of the independence of Argentina and Latin America. Passing through the Brandenburg Gate, a few hundred meters, there are statues of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. These men are honored in Berlin on behalf of all those men who 200 years ago made possible the independence of South America.
To commemorate these events, is to make a scientific meeting involving various issues of current interest in physics. It is hoped that this meeting be another means of showing our continued interest in international scientific cooperation and a way to acknowledge the assistance received from German institutions in this regard.
The German University is, in general, an enabling environment for international interaction. An important part of our current capacity for bilateral cooperation originated and was always reinforced by the common interaction with Germany.
It is inviting scientists from Argentina, Latin and German, to present original scientific papers that show a history of scientific cooperation between their countries and Germany, highlighting a clear projection in this regard. Depending on the response from stakeholders, topics of interest to oral communications will be chosen. The papers will be published in international media.
So far it has found much interest in the field of condensed matter physics and biophysics. Contributions in the area of physical chemistry and humanists interested in the evolution of the Sciences in Argentina are also expected.
The meeting convened specialists in different fields of physics which present relevant results in the area of their business.  Round tables, on discussion about information on the mechanisms of international cooperation and where how to improve the possibilities of cooperation, will be included. It is expected that the activity to be valuable, particularly for graduate students, enabling them to understand the scope and possibilities of international cooperation, and noticing  the benefits of the programs of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, to establish this type of cooperation with Germany or with other countries through the Humboldt Alumni network.

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